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Will you make it available for Android in the future?




Dimon indeed

anyone know any other games with voyeurism maybe even similar to this one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I don't have an answer but I want to know too, so if anyone does reply to me too :)

is there any way to make your saves last? I'm playing on mobile and when I came back to the game after a few days all my saves where gone

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Do you usually delete the browser's cache or something like that? I don't play it on mobile but my browser's saves are still present even after a month. Maybe they are deleted when you close the tab?

seems like the thanks for playing screen softlocks you as the 'keep playing' button doesn't work. I'm using the web version of the game.

(1 edit) (-1)

The "keep playing" button should work after clicking the steam link (the text in blue). If it's still not working just let me know.


I really wanted to play as real Vik, he's so cute!  (╥ᆺ╥)   But seriously, will Vik show up again later in the game or is he like..... gone?

Looks like my attempt at a pretty boy worked, glad you like him!

I'd rather not spoil the fun ;)


will the new update be on here?

Yeah, I'll make a post it here once it out


thanks i really want to try it on the browser


You've got some very nice stuff cooking here. I played the game a few times, getting game overs on a few attempts and actually managing to reach the official cut-off on one. The experience was mostly positive, as I appreciated the art, gameplay, and much of the lewd material quite a bit. I did have a few complaints, which I would like to list here in the hopes that they can be improved for the full release:

#1: Dimon is so close to the "entertaining asshole" sweet spot imo, but sometimes he leans just a little too far into "actual sex offender" territory and reads like a bad 4Chan greentext. I recognize that this may be a matter of taste, but it feels like more of an issue because for a majority of the game's runtime, Dimon is completely palatable. 

It stands out against the majority of scenes when Dimon actually talks about blackmailing women into sex, or when we get transition text saying he spent the weekend bullying women. The bonus scene especially did not land well with me after playing the full game. Like I said though, matter of taste. You gotta make something that makes you happy first and foremost, so take this opinion for whatever it is worth to you: I would have personally found Dimon more entertaining, as a pervert who takes lewd pics and schemes to sleep with women, if the culmination of his goals weren't non-con.

#2: I found the balance between events and efficiency a little difficult to manage, even while trying to stay on top of things. After a few playthroughs, I could definitely tell what the most effective route was, and I knew what events needed to happen by what times to prevent a bad ending. It's fine if you can't get every possible event in an efficient run, but I think a bit more signposting could be done on what goals need to be hit by what times. The scene you get in a game over where Olga tells you where you messed up is helpful at least.

#3: Bait options. There was never a reason to talk to a character who didn't actively have an event going on, and this is something I only realized by trying to do so. I don't think these should be listed as options at all if the end result is "nothing". Choosing to decorate your room may be functionally useless (as far as I could tell), but it does at least offer a cosmetic change. I'd also, personally, consider the "Dimon's Hobbies" choice to have no value in its current form, although I will concede that if you like listening to Dimon talk, the scene of him reflecting on his hobby is arguably reward enough.

If you want to leave the option to talk to characters outside of events around, I think the best implementation would be to have a few standard events that offer small inconsistent benefits. Maybe sometimes you gain free EXP, other times you get a temporary Search or Sales boost, some you may find bonus Materials, or if you're lucky you might just get a hint about some less obvious photo opportunities (Ones you don't just get by going to an event, like how you can get a pic of Senna by looking for materials at night). Come up with like 3 of those random events for each character, and it becomes a great place to spend any free time you might find yourself having.

That is assuming you have free time though, which admittedly doesn't come up much in the current system if you go to every event offered and are working to collect all the materials you need.

Those are all my thoughts. I enjoyed this little slice of a game, and am definitely gonna be keeping an eye on the project moving forward!



Thanks for your comment (and for playing the game ofc), I was a bit busy with the game so I couldn't reply earlier.

For #1, I understand the concern, but unfortunately(?, it's the direction I decided to take. It's what, I think, would make the game stand out. Those moments are a reminder of who you're playing as (tho the bullying women line was intended more as a joke, the weekend before getting hired (or not) adds "...anxiously", but it's understandable). The extra scene is there to give the players an idea of what to expect, although that might not be the case for all the heroines so it doesn't end up too samey.

It's a bit difficult to explain, as the dev who knows what will happen and would rather not spoil it. There are many future events (that I look forward to seeing players' reactions) that wouldn't be possible if Dimon weren't like that and his objective wasn't that. I'll keep it at that so as to not say too much.

Tho I do find the comparison to a 4chan post interesting, was that that the dialogue was trying too hard/cringy, or was it too "real"? (The ones I read are the silly kind so I'm genuinely curious)

For #2, I can definitely see a small reminder eveyr now and then. Senna makes it clear at the start that Dimon will get hired if he performs "well" but that is a little vague and players might get "distracted" with the character events. Also, while testing, I've found that the current EXP needed to get a new level and the amount of ingredients you get doesn't give the player too much leeway, so it's something I'll adjust for the next update, hopefully, that gives the players more breathing room.

For #3, if I character has an event, the text in the button will have an "!" at the start, maybe it wasn't clear enough and it's something I'll take a look at once I begin to polish the UI. As for events like decorating the room and the hobby, I was actually thinking of giving the player a bit of EXP bonus or something as a reward.

Oh, and as a side note, I plan to add a feature to skip previously read events so hopefully that makes replays easier to handle.

Hopefully this clear things up. Thanks for playing and sharing your thoughts.

Look forward to the next update and thanks again!


Hey there!

Thanks for the reply! On the topic of the 4chan comment, I was being a bit intentional in specifying "bad" greentext, as most of the ones you'll see are just silly fun. A lot of greentexts are given from the perspective of an intentionally flawed "Anon". The stereotypical "Anon" is an asshole, but more of a goofy fun one. Some writers lean in more on the first half though, doubling down on Anon as a jerk while failing to capture the fun irreverent tone and often just telling stories of a bad person doing a bad thing and hurting people.

Admittedly, that's a bit of an extreme comparison to Dimon in even many of the scenes or lines I don't care for. You did catch both of the "actual" issues I was feeling though. 

In some instances, it's less about poor taste, and more that Dimon is going over the same points of his devious plans too frequently and coming off as trying too hard. In other moments, like the bonus scene, it does feel like the tone changes to something a bit too "real", losing the playful edge held through most of the game. 

Like I said though, I think that might just be a difference in taste. I like voyeur plenty, so the camera stuff works for me, whereas non-con can leave a bad taste in my mouth. If you're trying to make a game featuring non-con, there's really no getting around the fact that people who don't like that subject won't enjoy those elements.

Regarding the "Bait" options, the issue wasn't that I couldn't tell when they had new events available. I did notice the exclamation points when they appeared. The issue that I had was that if there wasn't a new event unlocked, clicking the button effectively just wasted a time segment. Visiting a character without an event was a pure nothing interaction. Dimon would seek them out, fail to find them or see that they're busy, and then leave.

As a player, it felt like the game was lying to me. I was being offered the choice to talk to characters, and yet choosing to do so didn't actually let me talk to them. That's a problem when the event still burns a timeslot, just like all the rest.

This is why my suggestion was to put a small rotating pool of basic events with mild rewards on these options. The rotating pool makes it so that you might get something new on your first few visits, and the mild rewards makes it so that even when you've seen it all, there is at least something gained by the selection. 

That's just what made sense to me though, and the simplest option would really be to just hide the buttons when events aren't present. Or hell, just play the interaction of Dimon failing to have a conversation, and don't advance time when it happens. That'd fix everything too.

Sorry that ended up being so long, condensing takes time and I'm lazy. Like I said before though, I am still interested in the game, and am looking forward to future updates.



I’m wondering if there’s going to be plans for maybe a “”“good””” route, or if we’ll get to maybe have some photos or scenes of just Dimon himself?

I really love the art-style and the personality it exudes, but I’m personally not a fan of the subject matter and am more interested in male art, so I’m just curious!

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Hello! Sorry for the (very) late response.

I would rather not spoil whether there'll be a good route or not, as not to ruin any surprises, I hope you understand.

As for male art, maybe there'll be like a sprite or two of just Dimon but nothing major, the game focus is on the girls, hope that clears things up.



For sure! I completely respect that!


Howdy! U have done a very great and good job! I like everything very much, but on the first pass there was this error after which I couldn't do anything. Otherwise, keep up the good work!

(4 edits)

Thanks for reporting it! I'd take a look.
Edit: Weird, I'm familiar with this error but it shouldn't happen in the current versions that are up, would you mind download/play online again? Tested it myself and couldn't reproduce it.
Try not fast-skip in that part or when the game fades to black

This error appeared on a normal, measured reading.

Hmmm... Looks like the problem is with my pc, as the problem persisted even in the browser. But that's ok, it still looks very solid x3


Can you make a android port please as it looks good and I want to be able to save my data when I play it as the browser play dosent save it


I really wanted to give this game a try, because its rare to find furry nsfw game which looks this good, but the intro is incredibly long, there is wayyyy too much writing, you could cut out 90% of it.

As it is, I don't have the patience to get through all that text - I have no reason to care - and so I'm quite sad that I'll never find out what the gameplay actually is.

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Hey, thanks for the comment.

I understand, the intro can be long because the game needs a bit of setup for it to make sense (the game's a vn hybrid so there will be lots of text) and it also introduces mechanics like the studying and search mechanic, but I'll take a look if there's anything that can be removed without cutting anything meaningful. I wonder, in which part you stopped?

If you want to head right into the gameplay, in the warning screen (the first screen you get) there's the skip intro button.

The game is still being worked on so feedback is very valuable, thanks again.



You'd be surprised how little text you need to intro a game actually, and how much players can figure out what is happening on their own.

I don't want to skip  your work! If you give players the skip intro  button before they know how long it is, how will they know if we want to skip it or not? Ideally in a game you want to see the intro, and you might want to skip it on second playthrough, but I'd never want to skip an intro on first play.

What's the absolute bare minimum of communication you can show in the intro to successfully get the story across? Do people really talk as much as that in real life? What you do put into the intro will feel so much more alive if it's cut right down to exactly what you need and no more. Players are seeing your work for the first time and their attention is expensive; they will just shut the game and go elsewhere as soon as you have taken up their time unneccessarily. How quickly can you show them the real guts of the game, the gameplay?

I'm not saying you shouldn't write or have a story or have characters with develop, but your game is a particularly amazing example of consuming the players time for a very long time before they actually learn anything about what the game is actually going to be. Take them there first, then introduce the longer storylines and have the relationships develop.

I have more opinions on visual novels; I think they do the player a disservice, but they are massively popular so I"m not going to criticise them or your goal to be a hybrid too much. But in being a hybrid I think your game could very easily be better than them, it could easily hit a bigger audience.

Hello again! Thanks for your response.

I get what you're getting at, I've definitely played games where the intro was kept short and we got right into the action. Not exactly the style I'm going for but I can't deny that my intro does take a long time. I'd take a look at those games again (and maybe other games too) to give me an idea. Also, you're right about seeing the intro in the first play.

As of right now, I've already halved the intro, keeping the most important parts and the game's hook, the rest was added in the normal gameplay. This will be present in the next update if you're still interested.

I'll start with that and see how it goes from there. Fortunately, the game is still in the early stages so there's room for change.

Thanks again!


Very cute artstyle


Thanks! Just wait till it's polished ;)


is there a way to save progress?


Not right now, but it's a planned feature.

Thanks for playing!


Is there going to be any futa?


what is the end week, I am at week 5 and its still May


No end week for now, if you get "you have seen all the character dialogue" you're pretty much done. I'll work on a polished post-jam demo version so at least there's some sort of conclusion.

Looks like I missed changing the month, I'll fix it, thanks!


I cant wait to see the end


a very nice , take the time you need , no need to rush and put some effort into the background i want some secrets.

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For sure, I'll work on a polished version, thanks for playing!