Dimon - Witch Status Update

Hey guise, just checking in.

Usually, I release a new update every 2 months but I got a different plan this time. Right now I'm working to make as much progress as possible with the game, to then go back later to polish things up.

The 2nd month is done: it's conflict (introduction, development and conclusion), town events (when Dimon goes to sell), new events and photos of the girls (Olga included 🤨), checking if you sold enough to continue the game and much more. I'm currently using placeholer art atm to speed things up since there's a lot of new art.

Now I'm on the 3rd month, it will feature a new girl (!!!) and more problems for Dimon and co. As you can see, the game's getting bigger and that brings more dialogue/art/code/testing to do. Once I've made good progress I'll go back and see what to include in the next release, hopefully with the blackmail mechanic.

TLDR: Development's going fine, 2nd month finished, 3rd in development.

Feel free to check out Twitter if you guys are interested in updates (and maybe something silly) every now and then. There's also more frequent updates on Subscribestar (got a sub so I can't slack off anymore lol)

Thanks for playing and see you next update pervs.

Get Dimon - The Witch's Pervert Assistant


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There Will be a Android port?